
Child Security
At Rainbow Angels Nurseries your child’s security is important to us. We have a number of procedures in place to ensure that your child is safe at all times on our premises:
• main doors or gates are always secured
• children are signed in and out each day
• if a child is to be collected by an unauthorised person, staff must be notified of the name of the person collecting the child along with a secret word agreed at the time of registration in keeping with our Uncollected Child Policy and Authorised Person Policy. We will not release a child to anyone unless we have confirmation from the parent or guardian that we should do so, and the unauthorised person collecting the child should provide a photo ID confirming their identity
• all activities are risk assessed before children are allowed to carry out such activities, whether on the premises or externally and Walkodile safety systems, where appropriate, and high visibility vests are used on outings and trips
Child Collection
Your child should be collected by no later than 5 minutes before their session is due to end, and for all day sessions or evening sessions by no later 6:55 pm to exit the premises by 7:00 pm:
• you should notify your nursery promptly if you will be delayed in collecting your child
• failure to collect your child at the appointed time will result in late collection fees equal to the overtime payment of two staff members at an amount equal to £20 for every 15 minute period until the child is collected
• for evening and all day sessions, if your child is not collected by 8:00 pm and you have not contacted the nursery, we are obligated by law to contact Social Services
• late collection fees are to be paid on receipt of invoice by the due date. Failure to pay late collection fees may result in your child being excluded from the nursery
Your child will not be allowed to leave the nursery with anyone who is not an authorised person or verified unauthorised person.