Rainbow Angels Nurseries Fees are reviewed annually and we reserve the right to increase our Fees. Parents will receive one month’s notice prior to any Fee increase becoming effective.
Registration Fee & Deposit
A non-refundable Registration Fee of £75 and Deposit (one month's Nursery Fee) is payable on registration for a place at the nursery. This Deposit may be refunded upon your child leaving the nursery, however any outstanding payments owing to the nursery will be deducted from the Deposit.
Rainbow Angels Nurseries are private day nurseries and Nursery Fees, Breakfast Club Fees and Afterschool Club Fees are payable throughout the year by Standing Order or direct payment/bank transfer into the nursery’s bank account. Standing Orders should be paid, monthly in advance by the 15th of each month. Fees are subject to the following conditions:
• a Standing Order should be set up by you for your monthly Fees
• a daily administration charge of £30 will be made for payments refused by your bank or not received by the due date
• should you fail to pay your Fees, the nursery will withdraw its provision of services to your child
• Fee rates for 3 year olds changes the month following the child's 3rd birthday
• Rainbow Angels Nurseries offer a 10% discount to eldest sibling of children already attending the nursery for sessions of 3 full days or more
All Nursery Fees are inclusive of meals, snacks, formula milk, nappies, and wipes. There is a charge for these items for children accessing funded sessions at the nursery. Please speak to the Nursery Manager for further details.
Holiday Club Fees are to be paid in advance, at the time of booking and Fees are inclusive of a hot meal and healthy snacks.
Government Funded Places
Government Funded places at Rainbow Angels Nurseries are limited to availability. Eligible children may be entitled to 15 hours or 30 hours of free early years’ education that can be used across 51 weeks of the year. Parents may choose where they wish to use this entitlement, whether with a single registered provider or a maximum of 2 providers in the same day. Should a parent decide to use more than one registered provider the weekly-entitled hours shall be pro-rata between the providers.
Attendance for a Government Funded place for your child is set out in the nursery’s offer to you and fits in with the nursery’s planned sessions and times.
Rainbow Angels Nursery will submit the claim form for the funded hours and parents must provide all information required by the nursery for completion of the claim form.
Should you accept a place at the nursery that is part Government funded, the Government funded hours will be deducted from your monthly sessions and the balance of the Nursery Fees for the remaining sessions will be payable in keeping with our Nursery Fees terms and conditions.
Refund Policy
Your Rainbow Angels Nursery will not refund Fees due to:
- • non-attendance by your child regardless of illness, holidays, or other reasons
• severe weather conditions, or any emergency situation
Suspension Or Termination Of Services
Rainbow Angels Nurseries reserve the right to withdraw or to terminate our services to your child for non-payment of Fees or where the nursery considers it appropriate to do so.
Termination Notice
Parents are required to provide the nursery with a term’s (3 months) written notice for the termination of their contract with the nursery or one month's notice for a change in the services provided to their child. The nursery will confirm receipt of the termination or amendment notice in writing to the parent within 5 calendar days of receipt.